Border re-opening what you must know

Get the latest info on border re-opening

Posted by erymuzuan on March 15, 2022

Please do comeback to this page regularly, as we are updating the page as soon as we got to know what matters and what don't anymore

At this moment, we know that Bukit Kayu Hitam/Danok will officially opened on April 1, 2022.

COVID-19 Testing

There will be testing required before you can cross the border, does it means you have to do testing every time you're crossing the border, the answer is complicated.

  • For regular commutters - You may be required to do TR-PCR or RTK-Ag Professional once a week
  • For casual travellers - The procedures will be put in place

And once you reach the border, again

  • For regular commutters - Once a week testing, unless you're symptomatic
  • Casual travellers - RTK-Ag Professional you may have to arrange this with your hotel or tour guide, and if there's quarantine the procedure will be made available(we're still a bit cloudy on these)

For Malaysian Travellers

MySejahtera app would be your main travel companion where you have to declare your departure and arrival,you also have to declare your test result , being positive would put you in high risk category( I think you will be denied entry), We haven't got the full picture yet what is going to be like, we'll keep it updated once we got the news for

Be safe

Update on Thai government requirements for overseas visitors (might not apply for land VTL)

These are general accepted requirements set by the Thai government for overseas visitor, they might not apply when the land border re-open in coming weeks. The general consensus is that, the Thai goverment position is reciprocal, i.e. what ever the Malaysian goverment put forward, then they will follow suites.

  • Register for Thailand pass at https://www/
  • Negative RT-PCR test no more than 72 hours before departure
  • For existing COVID infection, the medical certificates must be produces showing that the infection was at least 14 days, and no more than 90 days
  • You'll have to stay at least for 1 night at a authorized/partner hotel where a second RT-PCR test will be done